Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Six months ago, I faced the possibility that I would die from Septisemia. At full attention my mind entirely on its own began a life review. By this age I have had many life experiences, the challenge is to view them in terms of lessons learned rather then holding regrets. Impossible for me without calling upon my faith. That close to death,I was lucky enough to have the time that allowed me to ask forgiveness and thank my God for the life I have been given. I was surrounded by generous, loving people who in their own way held much faith and hope for my future and filled me with a positive belief that I was going to recover. So I started the day, through the day, at the end of the day saying: the people I need are here, the assistance I need is here, and all things are possible with faith. I won't allow doubt in my Universe and at this moment I will learn the lessons offered me.

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